Channel: Game – The Ultimate Minecraft Blog
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Varied Dispencers Fire Distance Varied by Redstone Signal Strength

Someone recently approached me with an idea to make it so it is possible to aim with the dispensers. Basically his idea was that the distance a dispenser throws something depends on the signal strength...

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Ziplines and Ropes!

I was thinking we should be able to do a few things here, the first is implement rope, rope could be shot from a bow, and should have the same properties as water, unlike vines you can go up water with...

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Alternative Decorative Forms

One thing I like about quartz, sandstone, and stone are the different forms they can take for decorative purposes. Quartz has regular, chiseled and pillar. Sandstone has regular, chiseled, and smooth....

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Uses for Slimeballs

Slime balls are one of the items in game that rarely see any use. Currently, their sole uses are just for sticky pistons and magma cream. So, why not add some more uses? I’ve been thinking, and here...

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Throwable Fire Charges?

I just finished a conversation with a friend. He said that since we can throw Splash Potions, snowballs, Ender Pearls, even eggs, we should be able to throw Fire Charges. Here are my thoughts on the...

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Earth-like limited Worlds

I think it would be pretty cool if you had the option of making a world of limited size, that had biomes placed based on the climate of the location they were in, in an earth like world. So that colder...

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A Sticky Block

I think it would be cool if there were a block that worked similar to the way sticky pistons do, but which stuck to all adjacent blocks automatically and like, like, moving a sticky block with a...

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Comparators detect triggered blocks!

Basically, the idea here is that comparators could detect triggered blocks! How this would work, is when they are placed next to a block, much like they do to command blocks or others. Then, if the...

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Too Expensive To Repair?

I’ve crafted some great tools and now all I get is that they are too expensive to repair. Let me decide that. Make it cost 60 xp, or better yet make the xp requirement go down for putting more diamonds...

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Villager Specific Biome Texture

I think it’d be awesome if TESTIFICATES had different textures depending on the biome they spawned in. Someone born in a desert would wear something above his head to protect himself form the sun and...

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Fighting Villagers and Nausea Potions

I think that villagers need to do something more than trade and stand around. I think that villagers that actually fought with mobs should be put into the game. Because iron golems are to big. the cant...

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De-nerf slime spawning in Superflat

Ever since the ability to custom-make superflat worlds, the need to nerf slime spawning has been reduced or even eliminated. Back before the rates were lowered, superflat worlds were essentially...

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Invisibility Potions affect Zombie Pigmen

As of right now, if you strike a single zombie pigman while invisible, all aggro’d pigmen will chase you if you come within normal sight range. This is a bit silly, and defeats the purpose of one of...

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Pets and Experience

We all know the current situation with pets. They stock up and doesn’t really have the most useful features. So how do we make them usefull? Here’s my idea (bear in mind that this is borderline of the...

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New Beacon Power and Infinity Bows

As the title says, this would be a new ‘quick crops’ Beacon power that would affect plant life instead of the player. Crops, trees, cocoa beans, cacti, pumpkins and melons (etc.) all grow much faster,...

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Having XP fall into a hopper with a glass bottle inside would create...

Even though the XP falling into the hopper would be less than the amount of XP being released from the bottle, the expense of the glass bottle itself would make up for the extra XP released It just...

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Lapis Bottles

The idea is that instead of making them from glass, you make lapis bottles from blocks of lapis lazuli. These bottles are different from normal bottles in that they can be double-brewed; you can put a...

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Rare Ore

Instead of dropping ingots or other items, this rare ore would only drop experience–and a lot of it. Pros: Puts more “Mine” into “Minecraft” Gives joy to those wanting more rare ores Shouldn’t upset...

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Choosing Difficulty

Imagine you want to play with hunger, BUT HATE CREEPERS!, or you think that zombies are cool but underpowered, or maybe that you wan’t to use hard fire spread on your world without having to eat. Well...

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I think there should generally be more “portable” features, for players who like to adventure rather than build. Backpacks would be cool, made just like a chest but with leather, and cannot be doubled...

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